Welcome to NEAS


The Northeast Algal Society is a regional phycological society that is dedicated to the furtherment of phycological (algal) research and education in the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. We work to encourage and promote the growth and development of phycology as a pure and applied phase of biological sciences and to promote the general welfare and good fellowship of phycologists and other biologists, particularly in the States and Provinces of northeastern North America.

The 63rd Annual Northeast Algal Symposium

Save the Date!

NEAS 2025 Symposium will be held on April 4-6, 2025
Co-conveners will be Karolina Fucikova, Hannah Reich, Dominique Derminio, Ken Karol & Hilary McManus

Click Here to go to the Meeting Page.

For general information about NEAS please contact Brian Wysor